Hose - Rear Drive Unit to Oil Coller (Remove and Replace)
교정 코드
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- Remove the rear subframe assembly. See Subframe Assembly - Rear (Remove and Replace).
- Partially lower the rear subframe and drive unit assembly.
Tilt the subframe fixture
참고Adjust the powertrain lift and tilt it forward in order to access motor mount fasteners.
Release the rear drive unit inverter
to oil cooler hose.
참고1x hose clip, Image zoomed in for clarity.
Release the rear drive unit inverter
coolant hose from heat exchanger.
참고Use a foldable funnel as required.
- Release clips (x4) that attach the rear drive unit inverter to oil cooler hose and remove the hose.
- Position and secure the clips (x4) that secure the rear drive unit inverter to coolant hose.
Secure the rear drive unit inverter to
oil cooler hose onto the heat exchanger.
참고Clean excess coolant from the area. Perform a push-pull-push test to make sure the hose is fully engaged.
Secure the inverter to cooler hose to
참고Perform a push-pull-push test to make sure the hose is fully engaged.
- Tilt the subframe fixture backwards to original position.
Raise the partially lowered
경고Use caution to not damage components while raising the subframe.
- Install the rear subframe assembly. See Subframe Assembly - Rear (Remove and Replace).