
Second Row Seatbelt Buckle Mount

Parts List

Quantity Description Image / Notes
1 ASY, RR TORQUEBOX XMEMBER (Rear Torque Box Crossmember)
1 Pop Rivets

When ordering parts, refer to the Parts Catalog and enter the VIN of the vehicle being repaired to find the correct parts (and the part numbers) for the vehicle. Alternatively, use the search function in the Parts Catalog to find a specific part for the vehicle.

Repair Procedure

  1. Remove the M12 REC Nut from the ASY, RR TORQUEBOX XMEMBER service part.

    or Factory Structural Rivets

  2. Cut a hole in the Rear Torque Box Crossmember to provide access to the damaged component.

    Reference Line/Point

    Cut Line
    • A = 133 mm.
    • B = 183 mm.
    • C = 30 mm.
    • D = 82 mm.
  3. Remove the original component.

    or Factory Structural Rivets

    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    After removing the factory rivet, remove the M12 nut through the access hole cut in the Rear Torque Box Crossmember.

  4. Prepare for installation.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Position the M12 nut through the access hole cut in the Rear Torque Box Crossmember.

    or Pop Rivets

  5. Install the new component or components.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    No structural adhesive is used to secure the M12 nut to the Rear Torque Box Crossmember; the M12 nut is secured only with a rivet.
  6. Perform any necessary post-repair operations.