03/07/2024 16:01:39

Front Seat Mount Reinforcements (Front Outboard)

Parts List

Quantity Description Image / Notes

Tesla part number 1077797-00.


When ordering parts, refer to the Parts Catalog and enter the VIN of the vehicle being repaired to find the correct parts (and the part numbers) for the vehicle. Alternatively, use the search function in the Parts Catalog to find a specific part for the vehicle.

Repair Procedure

  1. For the Seat Mount Reinforcement nut being replaced, cut an access window in the underside of the floor panel to access the damaged component.

    Reference Line/Point

    • A = 557 mm.
    • B = 79 mm.
    • C = 617 mm.
    • D = 137 mm.
  2. Remove the original component.
  3. Cut the floor panel patch as indicated below to make a cover for the floor panel repair area.

    Cut Line

    Reference Line/Point

    • E = 78 mm.
  4. Prepare for installation.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    New components are installed with structural adhesive only.
  5. Apply structural adhesive to the mating surfaces on the vehicle and the new component or components.
  6. Install the new component or components.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Temporarily secure the Seat Mount Reinforcement to the underside of the crossmember using a bolt or a clamp until the structural adhesive has cured.
  7. Cover the access window with the floor panel patch.
  8. Perform any necessary post-repair operations.