Loads are not Covered with Sufficient Solar Production

On the landing page display shortly after device setup, the site import does not decrease as solar production increases


On the landing page display shortly after commissioning, the site import does not decrease as solar production increases.

Steps to Troubleshoot

  1. Confirm the following:
    • No solar is upstream of the Site CTs.
    • The Site CTs measure all power flow from the grid.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    See the Residential Energy Product Metering Guide for metering diagrams.
  2. Confirm the inverter is currently producing; if it is not producing, or if the inverter production is not 0 but is not meeting the expected output, the issue is not with Powerwall. Troubleshoot the solar DC and AC connections, then troubleshoot the inverter production with the manufacturer.
    • For Tesla Solar Inverter, use the Solar Inverter Configuration Interface or measure with a multimeter.
      Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
      For Tesla Solar Inverter without a Site Controller (all Tesla P/Ns except 1538000-45-y), commissioning is performed in the Configuration Interface rather than in Setup App. See Configure Tesla Solar Inverter Using the Configuration Interface for more information.
    • For a third party inverter, check solar production using the display on the inverter itself (if present), the inverter production monitoring app, or a multimeter.