Grid Reconnection Took Too Long

When the grid returns, the Powerwall / Powerwall+ system stays disconnected for an extended period of time, keeping loads powered by Powerwall and not the grid

Steps to Troubleshoot

There is a grid qualification delay for each region based on grid code standards. That delay can result in a delayed reconnection to the grid (1 to 5 minutes) after a backup event.

Table 1. Grid Qualification Delays by Grid Code
Grid Code Qualification Time Delay
IEEE1547-2018_UL1741SB-CA-Rule21_2022 15 s
60Hz_240V_s_UL1741SA:2016_California 60 s
IEEE1547-2018_UL1741SB-CA-Rule21_LADWP-2022 60 s
All other grid codes 300 s