Solar Production is Higher or Lower Than Expected​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

On the landing page, the solar production does not meet expectations (solar value is zero, or is higher or lower than expected)


On the landing page, the solar production does not meet expectations (solar value is zero, or is higher or lower than expected).

Steps to Troubleshoot

  1. Verify all meters are online and communicating.
  2. Ensure CT(s) have been placed in the correct location and are measuring the correct conductor(s):
    1. Verify the CT is clamped properly around the intended conductor(s).
      Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
      Before installing, disconnecting, and/or adjusting CTs, ensure the circuits being measured are not energized and the system is completely powered down. Failure to de-energize the system may compromise operator and equipment safety.
    2. Verify the CT is not capturing any other conductor(s).
      Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
      If a site has multiple inverter outputs and their conductors are being grouped, ensure every conductor is captured.

      In the first example below, the CT captures the (3) L1 conductors for three solar inverters. In the second example, the CT captures (2) solar inverter conductors and (1) hot tub conductor, leaving the third solar inverter conductor uncaptured.

      Figure 1. Solar CT Measuring all PV (top) and Solar CT Measuring Partial PV and a Non-Solar Load (bottom)
    3. If solar is in a generation panel where the only conductors are solar, the entire generation panel can be measured:
      1. If there are additional 120V loads in the downstream panel, move them all to the same phase (in the example below, they are moved to L2).
      2. Move the Neurio meter and CTs to the upstream panel and place the CT on the downstream panel feeder, choosing the opposite phase (in the example below, the CT is placed on L1).
      3. Configure the CT as Solar (1CTx2).
  3. Confirm the inverter is currently producing; if the inverter production is not 0 but is not meeting the expected output, the issue is not with Powerwall. Troubleshoot the solar DC and AC connections, then troubleshoot the inverter production with the manufacturer.
    • For Tesla Solar Inverter, use the Solar Inverter Configuration Interface or measure with a multimeter.
      Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
      For Tesla Solar Inverter without a Site Controller (all Tesla P/Ns except 1538000-45-y), commissioning is performed in the Configuration Interface rather than in Setup App. See Configure Tesla Solar Inverter Using the Configuration Interface for more information.
    • For a third party inverter, check solar production using the display on the inverter itself (if present), the inverter production monitoring app, or a multimeter.