Recent Changes In This Manual

The list below shows procedures or pages that have been added or updated recently.

Procedure/Page Description Date
Front Under Body (Small Section) Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 28-February-25
Cast Rear Under Body Repair Guidelines Images and guidelines updated. 28-February-25
Approved Gas Metal Arc (GMA) Welders and Welding Wire List of approved welders updated to include the Cebora SynStar Twin 270T (Model 344). 11-February-25
Approved Squeeze-Type Resistance Spot (STRS) Welders List of approved welders updated to include Chief MI300T and TECNA 3680S welders. 04-February-25
Approved Gas Metal Arc (GMA) Welders and Welding Wire Updated the list of approved welders to include GYS P3 GYS Auto, Spanesi Q5.2 ONE INVERTER, and Chief MultiMig 822. 23 - January-25
Cantrail Stud Plate New procedure added. 03-January-25
Rear Wheel Arch (Rear Section) Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 04-December-24
Rear Wheel Arch Extension (Front) Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 04-December-24
IP Beam Bracket Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 04-December-24
Rear Seat Stanchion Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 04-December-24
Rear Under Body (Complete) Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 04-December-24
Rear Under Body (Section) Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 04-December-24
Cast Front Under Body Repair Guidelines Information about discontinuities was added and some images were updated. 04-December-24
Approved Frame Bench Systems and Optional Electronic Measuring Systems Updated the list of approved frame benches to include Spanesi Daytona. 04-December-24
Body Structure Materials and Allowed Operations The section "GUID-B4A61C9E-4CE2-4D9A-B9B3-B6D74EEFE038.html#CONCEPT_CKG_DXY_RVB" has been updated. 08-October-24
Mast Assembly (Section) Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 30-September-24
Approved Chemicals Updated the approved list of Non-Structural Adhesives. 10-September-24
Approved Squeeze-Type Resistance Spot (STRS) Welders New welding caps approved for Pro Spot welders. 19-August-24
Dash Reinforcement Assembly Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 24-July-24
Sail Datum Bracket Procedure name changed from "Rear Fascia Support Bracket" to "Sail Datum Bracket," and procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 19-July-24
Front Quarter Window Assembly (Complete) Procedure steps, images, and fasteners updated. 11-July-24
Approved Frame Bench Systems and Optional Electronic Measuring Systems Updated the approved vehicles for the Globaljig Evolution 5.0 frame bench. 6-June-24
Body Side Inner New procedure added. 4-June-24