Replacing Trunk Struts (Non-Powered)
Your trunk struts can be replaced if they begin to fail for any reason. To replace the trunk struts:
Open the trunk and use a non-marring prop to temporarily support it.
Use a trim tool to release the clip that attaches the lower end of the trunk strut to the hinge on the vehicle then release the strut.
Use a trim tool to release the clip that attaches the upper end of the trunk strut to the hinge on the trunk lid, and then remove the strut from the vehicle.
Clean the mounting hinges and then lubricate both pivot points on the new strut.
Secure the rod end of the strut to the hinge on the vehicle then the body end of the strut to the hinge on the trunk lid. Ensure the clips are secure.
Remove the prop and ensure the trunk opens and closes as expected.