09/01/2025 16:49:59
Quarter Outer Assembly (Without Upper Trough)
If the repair area includes any portion
of the Roof Rail, do not use this procedure; instead, refer to the 车身侧外件.
- Any individual section or any combination of sections of the Body Side Outer Assembly can be replaced so long as the referenced cut lines from the Quarter Outer Assembly Section Descriptions portion of this document are used.
- 在开始本程序之前,请查看所有碰撞维修一般实践和安全文档并佩戴适当的 PPE(个人防护装备)。
- 不使用车架工作台也可完成此程序。
Using this Document
This document contains two major parts:
- Quarter Outer Assembly Section Descriptions
provides information on where and how to section the Quarter Outer Assembly (or
subassemblies) as necessary to replace damaged areas of the Quarter Outer assembly, or
to gain access to underlying parts of the vehicle structure. Use the section
descriptions to determine where to successfully section the Body Side Outer Assembly
as needed for the repair being performed.NoteSections of the Quarter Outer Assembly can be replaced individually or in any combination of sections so long as the referenced cut locations identified in this document are used.NoteMeasurements from bolt hole locations are from the center of the referenced holes unless stated differently in the section description.
- The 维修程序 portion of this document contain the information necessary to replace the entire Quarter Outer Assembly. If replacing sections of the Quarter Outer (not the entire Quarter Outer Assembly), use the relevant portions of each step to determine which parts and fasteners are needed and the steps required to complete the repair.
数量 | 描述 | 图片/备注 |
1 | ASSEMBLY - REAR QUARTER COMPLETE (Rear Quarter Outer Assembly) | |
2 | 结构型灯笼铆钉,6.5 毫米 | |
11 | 流型铆钉 S18 |
如需订购零件,请参阅零件目录,输入需维修车辆 VIN,查找车辆正确零件(以及零件号)。或者,也可以在零件目录中搜索,查找车辆专用零件。
Quarter Outer Assembly Section Descriptions
Quarter Outer Assembly Sectioning | ||
The Quarter Outer Assembly is a single assembly, and can be replaced as a single repair, or instead of replacing the complete Quarter Outer Assembly, areas of the Quarter Outer can be replaced using portions of the complete Quarter Outer Assembly using the cut lines described in this document. | ||
Quarter Outer Section Descriptions | Joint Descriptions |
Quarter Outer Skin Section
Note Refer to the 车身侧外件 procedure for sectioning guidelines. Note The gap
between the adjacent panels of the butt joint for this
section should be as small as possible to maximize joint
strength. |
Rear Sill Section Note The gap
between the adjacent panels of the butt joint for this
section should be as small as possible to maximize joint
strength. |
Dogleg Section Note The gap
between the adjacent panels of the butt joint for this
section should be as small as possible to maximize joint
strength. |
Rear Roof Rail Section Note If the repair area includes
any portion of the Roof Rail, do not use this procedure; instead, refer to the
procedure. |
- Remove the Upper Trough from the Rear Quarter Outer Assembly service part.
- 拆卸原装部件。
- 准备安装。
- 在车辆接合面以及新部件上涂抹结构型粘合剂。
- 安装新部件。
或 安装点焊焊缝Warning未遵守包括使用个人防护装备在内的任何焊接安全注意事项,可能导致严重的人身伤害或财产损失。只有已完成 Tesla 认可的焊接培训课程的维修技师才有权在 Tesla 车辆上焊接结构组件。CAUTION切勿在执行车辆电气绝缘程序前焊接 Tesla 车辆(请参阅车辆专用维修手册,了解有关车辆电气绝缘程序的更多信息)。在具有通电高压或低压系统的 Tesla 车辆上进行焊接可能会损坏车辆部件。
执行 GMA 焊接。
或 钢塞焊焊缝Warning未遵守包括使用个人防护装备在内的任何焊接安全注意事项,可能导致严重的人身伤害或财产损失。只有已完成 Tesla 认可的焊接培训课程的维修技师才有权在 Tesla 车辆上焊接结构组件。Warning为保持车辆碰撞完整性,在采用 GMA 焊接法焊接 Tesla 车辆时,仅允许使用经批准的焊丝和 GMA 焊接器。请参阅已批准的气体保护金属极弧 (GMA) 焊接器和焊丝了解有关经批准的 GMA 焊接器和焊丝的信息。CAUTION切勿在执行车辆电气绝缘程序前焊接 Tesla 车辆(请参阅车辆专用维修手册,了解有关车辆电气绝缘程序的更多信息)。在具有通电高压或低压系统的 Tesla 车辆上进行焊接可能会损坏车辆部件。Note进行 GMA 焊接之前,使用规格和类型相同的材料执行焊接测试,以确保焊接设备的设置能保证满意的焊接效果。
- 执行任何必要的维修后操作。