Optional: Smart Current Limits

Smart Current Limits enable Wall Connector to dynamically adjust EV charging power based on live readings of the overall load in the panel. An energy meter is installed to MONITOR live current in the panel; when panel loads are reduced, Wall Connector is able to increase charging current up to a limit set by the installer.
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
As described in the Wall Connector Application Note on Smart Current Limits, Wall Connector should be installed with a 60A circuit breaker for maximum power output; if there is not enough room for a 60A breaker in the electrical panel, a smaller breaker can be installed with a lower amperage configuration (see the application note for more information).
  1. Once connected, the Remote Energy Meter will automatically be detected. Select Meter to configure CTs and set the Max Conductor Limit.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    The Remote Energy Meter has four CT ports, with the following voltage references:
    • CT1: L1
    • CT2: L2
    • CT3: L2
    • CT4: L1
  2. Select the Neurio meter to configure the CTs.
  3. For each of the connected CTs, select the CT and set the Location to Conductor.
  4. On the Meter screen, set the Max Conductor Limit. This value should be 80% of the electrical panel’s rated limit.

    See the Wall Connector Application Note on Smart Current Limits for instructions to test the system and troubleshoot as needed.