Operating and Error States

Operating States

Ready: Wall Connector is ready to charge.

Charging: Connected to the internet and charging the car.

Unplugged: Connected to internet but not connected to car.

Waiting for vehicle: Charger is plugged in, and a charge session needs to be initiated in the vehicle or through the app.

Error States

Critical fault: Needs to be monitored. If it lasts for over 3 days, call Tesla Service.

Non-critical fault: Charging blocked due to authentication error, call Tesla Service.

Offline: Wall Connector does not have good connectivity and cannot connect to Tesla Servers. Contact your Tesla Certified Installer.

Error Codes

Error Solution
Device is already registered on the same site and shows a warning. Refresh the device list.
Device is already registered to a different site. Remove from Warp and try to register again/Flag to Tesla team members.
Firmware is not up to date to minimum 22.33.1 Update firmware. (Side load).
Request ID cannot be found in error logs. Send a ticket to the Engineering team.