Release Notes January-March 2024

Archived Release Notes:

Week Ending March 30, 2024

The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Fluids - Updated DOT 4 BASF Hydraulan 404 as the approved brake fluid.
  2. Module - Steering Column Control (Remove and Replace) - Removed ODIN routines from procedure as per latest validation.
  3. Pedal Assembly (Remove and Replace) - Added IP carrier bolts (x2) to bulkhead torque spec.

Week Ending March 23, 2024

The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Fluids - Added compressor oil density note and leak detection kit info.
  2. Motor - Seat Track - Driver Seat (Remove and Replace) - Changed the steps of replacing with single seat track motor to steps of replacing with seat track motor bridge assembly.
  3. Clear Forward Camera View (Precision Cleaning Of Inboard Windshield) - Added DAS reset steps.

Week Ending March 16, 2024

The following new procedure(s) were added:
  1. Tire - Front - LH (Road Force) (Balance)
The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Link - Aft - Upper - Rear - LH (Remove and Replace) - Added a step of discarding the rotor bolt after removal and deleted the step of installing the rotor bolt.

Week Ending March 9, 2024

The following new procedure(s) were added:
  1. Paint Defect Rectification
  2. Replacement Tire Information
The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Fluids - Added 1646886-02-A KAF1 gearbox fluid.
  2. Raise Vehicle - Floor Jack (Mobile Service) - Added a warning to stay away from the vehicle before lifting to avoid injury.
  3. Clear Forward Camera View (Precision Cleaning Of Inboard Windshield) - Added detailed instructions on how to clean the windshield and added steps of camera inspection after cleaning.

Week Ending March 2, 2024

Week Ending February 10, 2024

The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Brightwork - Upper - Front - LH (Remove and Replace) - Added steps for clips securing seal and brightwork to body.
  2. Compressor, Supermanifold, and A/C Lines (Remove and Replace) - Cleaned up topic.
  3. Pedal Assembly (Remove and Replace) - Updated step to remove LH instrument panel middle trim, and not the instrument panel décor.
  4. Side Repeater Camera - Front - LH (HW4) (Remove and Replace) - Added a caution to wrap the terminals of the camera and wiring harness to prevent them from coming into contact with water or other solutions that could cause damage.
  5. GUID-FC35D9A1-E27D-40F3-BFFC-584D7DF7C5C6.html - Added a caution to wrap the terminals of the camera and wiring harness to prevent them from coming into contact with water or other solutions that could cause damage.
  6. Windshield (Remove and Install) - Re-structured the procedure.
  7. Windshield (Remove and Replace) - Re-structured the procedure.

Week Ending February 3, 2024

The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Applique - B-Pillar - LH (Remove and Replace) - Reorganized firmware redeploy and calibration steps.
  2. Pyrotechnic Battery Disconnect (Remove and Replace) - Updated tools and cautions for removing and installing the pyrotechnic battery disconnect.

Week Ending January 27, 2024

The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. All brake pad replacement procedures: Add caution on making sure the front brake pad clip is properly installed.
  2. Halfshaft - Rear Drive Unit - LH (Remove and Replace) - Updated EPB Service Mode reference.

Week Ending January 20, 2024

The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Drive Unit - Front (Remove and Replace) - Added a note to install a new motor ID label in hood/trunk for China, Japan and Korea.
  2. GUID-01F8C2BD-5EDF-42F9-B1B2-CD4A7B24470D.html - Added a note to install a new motor ID label in hood/trunk for China, Japan and Korea.
  3. Drive Unit - Rear (Plaid) (Remove and Replace) - Added a note to install a new motor ID label in hood/trunk for China, Japan and Korea.
  4. HV Harness - HV Battery to Rear Drive Unit (Remove and Replace) - All-new procedure made vehicle agnostic.
  5. Module - Body Controller - Security (Remove and Replace) - Added step for ODIN routine PROC_VCSEC_X_SET-ROOT-KEY-TO-ALL-REGIONSvia Toolbox: (link)to be run for vehicles running certain firmware versions.

Week Ending January 13, 2024

The following new procedure(s) were added:
  1. GUID-76A8A474-97B9-4C19-8A37-AFCE3EC91CF8.html
The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Fluids - Added part numbers of refrigerant and coolant for China only.

Week Ending January 6, 2024

The following procedure(s) were updated:
  1. Fluids - Added North America row to Refrigerant table.